to Apr 5

People of Passion Book Discussion for Lent

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February 23: Session 1: Introduction, Pages 1–7 Sister Jackie

March 2: Session 2: Lesson 1-6, Pages 9-27 Sister Jackie

March 9: Session 3: Lesson 7-12, Pages 28–46 Mike Thigpen

March 16: Session 4: Lesson 13-18, Pages 47–65 Sister Jackie

March 23…No Meeting

March 30: Session 5: Lesson 19-24, Pages 66–84 Sister Jackie

April 6: Session 6: Lesson 25-30, Pages 85-104 Sister Jackie

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8:00 AM08:00

135th Anniversary Celebration of Holy Rosaries Church and Services

Lord willing, the Bishop of North Alabama will be joining us for this special liturgical celebratory Mass. Afterward there will be food! This year we have been in this little church, serving this community for 135 years.

In addition to food and fellowship, the church will be open for those who wish to visit. We will have some bits of the church’s history out for review as well.

It will make us really happy if you can come and share a story about your family’s history at Holy Rosary!

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12:10 PM12:10

Mass and Meal for Pantry Supporters and Volunteers

Fr Gami will offer Mass after the Pantry and Clothes Closet close.

The Pot-luck is meant to be a chance to meet and get to know our extended family. There are folks who provide financial support, who work only certain days of the week, those in the office, on the line, at the curb, who drive and unload the truck, order, and do pick-ups in the surrounding towns, and reports to keep us complaint. We all work as the body of Christ

This event is for all those who work in and support the efforts made to serve Jesus as our neighbors.

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4/13 Rosary Prayer Service To End Gun Violence
9:30 AM09:30

4/13 Rosary Prayer Service To End Gun Violence

         There will be an ecumenical rosary prayer service to pray for an end to gun violence in our communities. The guest speaker will be Fr. Philip Paxton, Holy Family and St. Mary Parishes, Pastor, Deacon Danny Rogers, and Deon Arnold, Holy Family Cristo   Rey, student. For More information contact Deacon Walter Henderson 205 222-2010 or the Diocesan Office of Black Catholic Ministry 205 838-8313.

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5:15 PM17:15

Pilgimage to St George Melkite Church

Arrangements were made for the pilgrimage to St George at 425 16th Avenue South Wed. 3/6

The current plan is to meet briefly with Father Justin at 5:30 before Wednesday Vespers at 6 PM and then again with him after the service.

Ideally, we would like to go when we can get the most people there, and to share rides. Let Mike G. know if you want to go, preferences on dates and if you want a ride or will offer one.

St George does Live Stream vespers. So even if you cannot attend and meet with Father, you will be able to watch the vespers from your cell phone or computer if you want to.

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to Feb 17

Holy Rosary 130

Holy Rosary Catholic Church celebrates its 130th anniversary with a season of festivities and activities.

As a mission parish, Holy Rosary was established in 1889. The current church was dedicated on February 16, 1890.

Holy Rosary 130 commences on Sunday, October 6, at the First Sunday Gathering and Potluck following Mass.

On October 7 at 5:30, the Memorial of Our Lady of the Rosary, the parish will pray a special Rosary throughout our campus celebrating the various social apostolates, finishing in the Church with Benediction with Bishop Baker.

On Sunday, February 16, the anniversary of the dedication of the Church, the parish will celebrate a Festival Mass completing our 130th Anniversary celebrations.

In addition to the liturgical celebrations, a new parish directory/history is being prepared celebrating all those who have called Holy Rosary their home.

And a special T-shirt and banners are being readied.

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